Penataan Administrasi Desa, Kesadaran Hukum, Pemberdayaan UMKM, dan Inovasi Pembelajaran Desa Mojokumpul Kecamatan Kemlagi Mojokerto


  • Dadang Purwoari Widodo Universitas Mayjen Sungkono Mojokerto
  • Moch. Fachur Rochman Universitas Mayjen Sungkono Mojokerto
  • Dhorrotun Nafisa Universitas Mayjen Sungkono Mojokerto
  • Lujeng Lutviyah Universitas Mayjen Sungkono Mojokerto
  • Miftakhul Jannah Universitas Mayjen Sungkono Mojokerto
  • Muhammad Ali Ridwan Junaedi Universitas Mayjen Sungkono Mojokerto
  • Yovina Maylanda Cristanti Universitas Mayjen Sungkono Mojokerto
  • Kevin Putra Agustin Universitas Mayjen Sungkono Mojokerto
  • Muhammad Rizaldi Febriyan Amri Universitas Mayjen Sungkono Mojokerto
  • Titi Maimunah Universitas Mayjen Sungkono Mojokerto
  • Titania Nur Isnaini Universitas Mayjen Sungkono Mojokerto
  • Romadhoni Romadhoni
  • Setya Budi Anaggara Universitas Mayjen Sungkono Mojokerto
  • Deryl Misbakhul Rizat Universitas Mayjen Sungkono Mojokerto
  • Kennyalia Twist Leksono Universitas Mayjen Sungkono Mojokerto
  • Kiki Putri Yuanastiti Universitas Mayjen Sungkono Mojokerto
  • Leynisstyawan Octavi Universitas Mayjen Sungkono Mojokerto
  • Diajeng Gayatri Universitas Mayjen Sungkono Mojokerto
  • Aditia Dwi Riswanto Universitas Mayjen Sungkono Mojokerto
  • Mokhammad Sulthon Hisam Universitas Mayjen Sungkono Mojokerto o
  • Aprillia Ayu Devina Ranti Universitas Mayjen Sungkono Mojokerto
  • Muhammad Naufal Hanan Universitas Mayjen Sungkono Mojokerto
  • Achmad Rahul Ashari Universitas Mayjen Sungkono Mojokerto
  • Christian Yulianto H Universitas Mayjen Sungkono Mojokerto



Real Work Lectures, Village Administration structuring programs, Legal Awareness, MSME Empowerment, and Learning Innovation


Counseling, Mentoring and Empowerment are activities to increase community participation in meeting life's needs to resolve problems experienced by the community. Activities are carried out through the Real Work Lecture (KKN) program, which is a community service-based activity to increase student empathy for the conditions of society and the environment. Science KKN is carried out in Kemlagi District, Mojokerto Regency using service methods such as counseling, training and group mentoring. The results show that there is a positive response from village stakeholders and high active participation from the community, including taking part in an extension program with four activities, namely structuring Village Administration, Legal Awareness, Empowering MSMEs, and Learning Innovation. Apart from that, there are several outputs produced: (1) Strengthening data recording, archiving and reporting Village finances correctly (2) Increasing order, peace, security and justice in Village social life (3) Development of quality, competitiveness and added value of production home and halal certification (4) There has been an increase in discipline and participation in the teaching and learning process in an orderly and structured manner.


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LPM. 2023. Panduan Kuliah Kerja Nyata (KKN) Sains Universitas Mayjend Sungkono

Perdes RPJM Desa Mojo Kumpul,

Pedoman Pelaksanaan Kuliah Kerja Nyata (KKN) Sains Universitas Mayjend Sungkono 2023/2024

Renaldi, Taufiq, Yuliarto R, R. Arum Setia Priadi. Perancangan Sistem Informasi Kuliah Kerja Nyata Universitas Lampung Berbasis Web. Lampung.

Arifin, Muhammad. 2014. Analisa Dan Perancangan Sistem Informasi Praktek Kerja Lapangan Pada Instansi/Perusahaan. Kudus. Jurnal SIMETRIS, Vol 5 No 1. ISSN: 2252-4983

Kecamatan Kemlagi Dalam Angka

Profil Desa Mojo Kumpul.




How to Cite

Dadang Purwoari Widodo, Moch. Fachur Rochman, Dhorrotun Nafisa, Lujeng Lutviyah, Miftakhul Jannah, Muhammad Ali Ridwan Junaedi, … Christian Yulianto H. (2023). Penataan Administrasi Desa, Kesadaran Hukum, Pemberdayaan UMKM, dan Inovasi Pembelajaran Desa Mojokumpul Kecamatan Kemlagi Mojokerto. Pandawa : Pusat Publikasi Hasil Pengabdian Masyarakat, 2(1), 256–264.

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