Analisis Hots Pada Pre-Activity Dalam Buku Siswa “English Skills For The Future” Kelas XII
Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS), Student Book, Bloom’s Taxonomy RevisedAbstract
This study aims to analyze the distribution of Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) in each question on pre-activity in the student book entitled "English Skills For the Future" edition for class XII Senior High School. Qualitative descriptive methods were used in this study with documentation technique in a document in the form of student book entitled "English Skills For the Future" for class XII. The HOTS theory (C4 = analyze, C5 = evaluate, and C6 = create) in Anderson & Krathwohl's revised Bloom's taxonomy was used as a reference for analyzing the data. This study focused on data sourced from the Swing Into Action section contained in all chapters in the student book with a total of 37 data questions. The results of this study showed that 30% of the questions were C4, 32% of the questions were C5, and 38% of the questions were C6. Based on the results of the analysis, it could be concluded that the questions distributed on pre-activity in the student book "English Skills For the Future" edition for class XII SMA all contain HOTS based on Anderson & Krathwohl's revised Bloom's taxonomy, with the dominance of category C6 (create) questions in HOTS.
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