Bimbingan Klasikal Kepada Anak-Anak Untuk Mencintai Lingkungan Melalui Penanaman Pohon di Panti Asuhan Mande Kanduang
Classical Guidance, Loving the Environment, Tree PlantingAbstract
Concern and love for the environment has become a necessity to instill in children as the nation's next generation. Considering that the current environmental crisis has become a serious and real threat to human life. The Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training, Sjceh M. Djamil Djambek Bukittinggi State Islamic University, especially students of the Guidance and Counseling Department, took part in efforts to create awareness and love for the environment through community service activities carried out at the Mandeh Kanduang Orphanage. This activity involves all children, orphanage administrators. Classical guidance was held on November 5 2023 and continued with tree planting on November 6 2023. This classical guidance activity was enthusiastically participated in by the children and administrators of the Mande Kanduang orphanage, so that the children knew the impacts of environmental damage that could occur. due to lack of concern for the environment.
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