Evaluasi Implementasi Kurikulum Merdeka dalam Praktik Pembelajaran Sekolah di Indonesia
Independent Curriculum, evaluation, education, learning flexibility, technologyAbstract
This research aims to evaluate the implementation of the Independent Curriculum in school learning practices in Indonesia. The Merdeka Curriculum is designed to give educators the freedom to develop learning methods that suit students' needs, but its implementation faces various challenges. This research uses a literature review method by collecting data from various sources, such as journals, books and official documents. The research results show that the implementation of the Merdeka Curriculum has a positive impact on learning flexibility and student character development. However, there are still obstacles such as teacher readiness, limited infrastructure, and lack of comprehensive training. To increase the effectiveness of this curriculum, a holistic approach is needed, such as increasing teacher competency, optimizing infrastructure, and integrating technology in learning. With proper evaluation, the Independent Curriculum can be a relevant solution to improve the quality of education in Indonesia.
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